Lucknow, In a shocking incident in Uttar Pradesh, a teacher was fatally shot by a head constable of the state police. The incident occurred in the Civil Lines area of Muzaffarnagar district, stirring concerns about police conduct in the region.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Dharmendra Kumar, the victim, was part of an educational delegation from Varanasi tasked with delivering high school examination answer sheets to a local college. The group was accompanied by a police detail that included Head Constable Chander Prakash.
While awaiting entry into the college premises, an altercation erupted between Kumar and Prakash within their vehicle, leading to the tragic shooting. The superintendent of Police (City) of Muzaffarnagar, Satyanarain Parjapat, confirmed the details of the event, noting that the officer used his service weapon during the confrontation.
The incident has raised serious questions about the circumstances leading to the use of lethal force and the broader implications for police-community relations in Uttar Pradesh. The local police department is likely to face scrutiny over its handling of the situation and the measures in place to prevent such occurrences in the future.