New Delhi, From the confines of Tihar Jail, Shabir Ahmed Shah, a senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, has declared his unwavering resolve to continue the fight for the freedom of Jammu and Kashmir, despite his detention by Indian authorities.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Shah conveyed a robust message to the youth of Kashmir, urging them to persist in their quest for self-determination against all odds. “My heart beats with the oppressed people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir, even in this notorious jail,” Shah stated, emphasizing his deep connection with his people and his indifference to the repressive tactics employed by India.
Shah’s defiance echoes throughout his message, where he asserts the ongoing struggle will endure despite the suppression of political voices and harassment of activists. “We will not be intimidated by banning the parties, sealing our homes, sealing our offices, or harassing or arresting our workers,” he proclaimed, signaling a continuing resistance until the Kashmir issue is resolved and peace is established in South Asia.
Additionally, Muhammad Yousuf Naqash, another Hurriyat Conference leader, voiced concerns over the increasing hostilities towards Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir and across India, likening the situation to Israel’s treatment of Palestinians. Naqash also criticized the negative depiction of Imam Khomeini in Indian media, attributing it to an RSS-led agenda aimed at stoking anti-Muslim sentiment, and condemned the international community’s lack of response, which he believes only emboldens India’s aggressive policies.