Lahore, In a significant stride towards enhancing the health and welfare of its personnel, the Punjab Police, under the guidance of Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, has embarked on a new initiative with the Farooq Group of Hospitals. This collaboration aims to provide substantial medical relief to members of the Punjab Constabulary and their families.
According to Punjab Police, a meeting between Commander Battalion-V, PC, Abbas Lines SSP Mian Afnan Amin, and representatives from the Farooq Group of Hospitals, including Chairman Dr. Farooq and CEO Dr. Sabir, culminated in an agreement to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This MOU will ensure that police personnel and their families receive considerable discounts on treatments across five hospitals within the Farooq Group, with families of police martyrs and employees being eligible for free treatment at Farooq Group’s Akhtar Saeed Hospital.
The partnership also extends to offering special rates for diagnostic tests across a range of medical conditions. Furthermore, the Farooq Group of Hospitals has committed to organizing regular medical camps aimed at educating Punjab Constabulary jawans about health issues, thereby promoting preventive health care measures among the police force.
SSP Mian Afnan Amin highlighted that this collaboration with the Farooq Hospital is expected to provide significant relief for the medical concerns of police employees and their families, marking a noteworthy advance in the department’s efforts to ensure the well-being of its workforce.