Lahore, In a significant operation, the Punjab Police has successfully extradited a murder suspect, Iftikhar Ali, from Kuwait. This action is part of a larger effort directed by Inspector General Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, aimed at apprehending criminals who have fled overseas. The Special Operation Cell Gujranwala led the operation, marking the 25th extradition of a proclaimed offender this year.
According to Punjab Police, the arrested individual, Iftikhar Ali, is accused of committing a murder in the Lala Musa area of Gujarat last year. Ali evaded local authorities and fled the country, prompting the Punjab Police to issue a red notice through Interpol. Following the legal extradition process, Ali was handed over to the Gujarat police upon his arrival at the airport.
Dr. Usman Anwar praised the Special Operation Cell for their role in capturing Ali and emphasized the importance of completing the legal proceedings to ensure the accused is brought to justice. The continued efforts of the Punjab Police underscore their commitment to reducing crime by tracking down and arresting individuals wanted for serious offenses, regardless of their location.