Jammu, Omar Abdullah, the Vice President of the National Conference, criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the administration led by Lieutenant Governor Manoj Singh for preventing him from visiting the Sunderbani area of Rajouri district in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Abdullah described an incident where police allegedly locked the gates of his house and escorted him to his office in a manner he likened to treating a criminal, to thwart his plans to attend a party function.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Abdullah expressed his frustrations to reporters at the party headquarters in Jammu, highlighting the denial of permission for his visit as a targeted move by the BJP and the local administration. He remarked on the unusual measure of having the sub-divisional police officer (SDPO) accompany him to ensure he did not deviate from his path to the office, a treatment he found to be excessively restrictive and unprecedented.
The National Conference leader pointed out that such restrictions were not new to him but expected them to increase as the Lok Sabha elections approached. Abdullah’s comments underscored a broader concern regarding the state of democracy in Jammu and Kashmir, suggesting that political freedoms were being selectively applied, favoring those who praise the BJP and its government.
“This has not happened for the first time,” Abdullah stated, emphasizing the recurring nature of such incidents and the chilling effect they have on political activities within the region. He accused the BJP leadership of proving through their actions that democracy is not fully realized in Jammu and Kashmir, particularly for political figures and parties not aligned with the BJP.
Abdullah’s allegations against the BJP and the Lieutenant Governor’s administration highlight ongoing tensions in Jammu and Kashmir, reflecting the complex political dynamics and the challenges faced by opposition parties in carrying out their activities.