Ballari, In a glaring instance of caste-based discrimination, a woman hotel owner in Guttiganur village, Kurugod taluk, Karnataka, reportedly refused to serve food to Dalit youths, an act that defies India’s laws against untouchability.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the hotel owner was quoted as saying she would rather shut down her establishment than serve Dalit customers. A video capturing this incident has circulated widely on social media, sparking outrage and highlighting the persistence of untouchability practices in India. In the video, the Dalit youths are seen confronting the hotel owner about her discriminatory behavior.
This incident is not isolated, as similar cases of caste-based discrimination, particularly in hotels and salons, have been reported in other parts of Karnataka, including Dharwad, underscoring the continuing challenges of eradicating such deep-rooted social biases in the country.