Bengaluru, July 16, 2021 (PPI-OT):In a horrific incident, a group of miscreants severed the leg and hand of an RTI activist in broad daylight on the outskirts of Bengaluru and fled from the scene. The gruesome incident took place in front of the public.
The RTI activist has been identified as Venkatesh. The incident took place in Tavarekere near Bengaluru, which falls under the neighboring Ramnagar district.
Venkatesh, who was lying on the road bleeding profusely, was later shifted to a hospital where he is said to be undergoing intensive treatment, reported South Asian Wire.
The miscreants attacked him with lethal weapons and severed his hand and leg. Shockingly, the spot where the incident took place is just a stone’s throw away from the local police station.
Venkatesh had been filing RTI applications seeking information on various departments of the state government.
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