Lahore, In a significant announcement, Inspector General of Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar, has issued a directive to candidates aspiring to join the Punjab Police, emphasizing the necessity of police verification for the recruitment process. This comes alongside the government’s authorization for the recruitment of 11,000 constables in the Punjab Police, aiming to ensure a merit-based selection.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Anwar highlighted that the recruitment drive is committed to upholding meritocracy, inviting young and enthusiastic individuals with a zeal to serve the country to apply. He pointed out that the inclusion of brave and dutiful youths in the police force will be strictly in accordance with rules and regulations, necessitating all applicants to secure a police verification certificate.
Dr. Anwar elucidated that in smaller communities, disputes often lead to individuals being unjustly implicated in police records for various reasons, including familial disputes or community-based altercations. Such instances necessitate the importance of obtaining a verification certificate, which candidates can easily acquire from any Police Service Centre.
The process of obtaining a police verification certificate not only allows applicants to confirm their record’s status but also ensures transparency and fairness in the recruitment process. Dr. Anwar advised candidates to secure this certificate early on to avoid any complications that might arise from undisclosed criminal records during the later stages of selection.
Furthermore, Dr. Anwar assured that candidates encountering issues with their clearance report have the opportunity to resolve these matters through legal means, ensuring their eligibility for the recruitment process.
This directive underlines the Punjab Police’s commitment to a transparent and merit-based recruitment process, ensuring that only individuals with clean records and a genuine desire to serve are considered for the vital role of policing in the region.