Lahore, In a move to directly address public grievances, Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar organized an open house at the Central Police Office in Lahore, where he heard and responded to the concerns and complaints of citizens. He also attended to the issues raised by police personnel and their families.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar took immediate action on the complaints presented by the citizens during the open court. He called for reports from relevant supervisory officers and instructed District Police Officers (DPOs) to conduct inquiries and provide timely relief. Emphasizing the importance of public service, he directed officers to prioritize solving citizen’s problems and expedite relief measures.
The IG Punjab also addressed the requests submitted by police personnel and their families, ordering immediate resolution based on merit. He stressed the need for prompt and fair handling of applications related to discipline, welfare, and leave. Particularly, he emphasized the quick resolution of health welfare applications under personal supervision.
Dr. Anwar highlighted the regular conduct of open courts at the Central Police Office as a measure for public and employee relief. He informed that citizens could submit their applications not only in person but also via mail, email, or by calling the dedicated number 1787.
This initiative by IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar demonstrates a commitment to ensuring responsive governance and addressing the needs and concerns of both the public and police personnel in Punjab.