Bijapur, In a violent incident in Chhattisgarh, India, two members of the Indian Special Task Force (STF) sustained injuries due to an improvised explosive device (IED) detonation. The blast, attributed to Naxalite activity, underscores the ongoing conflict in the region.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the injured STF personnel, identified as Shivlal Mandavi and Mithlesh Markam, were part of a search operation in Itwar village, under the jurisdiction of the Gangaloor police station in Bijapur district, when the IED exploded. They were promptly taken to a local hospital, where their conditions were stabilized and reported as out of danger.
Authorities have initiated a comprehensive search operation in the area following the incident, reflecting the continued efforts to address and mitigate the insurgency-related challenges in Chhattisgarh.