Karachi, in a gesture of appreciation and goodwill, Governor Sindh Kamran Khan Tesori hosted a prize distribution ceremony at the Governor’s House for participants of the Independence Day Rally. The event saw the distribution of various prizes, including Umrah tickets, iPhones, plots, and motorcycles, to the lucky winners.
According to Sindh Governor House, was a celebration of the participants’ enthusiasm and patriotism displayed during the Independence Day Rally. Governor Tesori personally awarded an array of prizes: iPhones were given to Ainul Haq, Moeenuddin, Muhammad Amjad Siddiqui, Ghulam Mustafa, Atiqur Rahman, and Hamza; plots were awarded to Muhammad Salman, Farzana Bibi, Anila Faisal, Muhammad Idris, Abdul Rahman, Mohib Qamar, Zabiya Jameel, Waseem Ahmed, and Aamir Abdul Malik; and motorcycles were presented to Rizwana and Waheed Ahmed.
Governor Tesori, in his remarks, affirmed his commitment to continue public welfare measures. He clarified that these welfare initiatives are funded through his personal resources and contributions from benevolent friends, without utilizing government funds.
The event also highlighted personal stories of gratitude towards Governor Tesori. Aram, a cancer patient, thanked him for financial support in treatment, and Baqir Shah, from Badin, expressed gratitude for providing ration bags to rain-affected people in his village. Additionally, Jan Alam, who had requested an Umrah trip, expressed profound gratitude to the Governor for fulfilling his wish.
The prize distribution ceremony at the Governor’s House reflects a commitment to acknowledging and rewarding community participation, while also highlighting the Governor’s personal involvement in various welfare activities across the province.