Federal Minister Amir Muqam Prepares for Upcoming AJ and K and GB Council Sessions

Islamabad: Engineer Amir Muqam, the Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan, presided over a crucial meeting on Tuesday to finalize the agenda for the forthcoming sessions of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ and K) Council and the Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) Council.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the meeting took place at the AJ and K Council office and brought together key figures including Wasim Ajmal Chaudhry, Secretary of the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan, along with other high-ranking officials. Members from both the AJ and K and GB Councils attended the session, which focused on setting the agenda and reviewing proposed recommendations for the upcoming council sessions.

Before the formal discussions, senior officials briefed Minister Muqam on the various agenda points that were to be considered during the meeting, ensuring that all items were thoroughly discussed and endorsed by the attendees.