Golaghat, Assam, A clash at the Lachit Borphukan Police Academy in Golaghat district, Assam, resulted in injuries to seven police trainees from Manipur. The incident, which occurred during a training session, escalated from a verbal altercation to physical violence on Saturday night, highlighting tensions within the academy.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the confrontation began after one of the trainees brought liquor into the academy from a local market, leading to an exchange of verbal abuse that quickly turned into a physical clash among the cadets. The injuries sustained by the seven Manipur trainees necessitated medical attention, with three being admitted to Jorhat Medical College and Hospital for further treatment and four receiving care at a local hospital before being released.
In an unrelated incident, an Indian Air Force corporal, Harveer Choudhary, tragically lost his life in an accident at Hakimpet Air Force Station in Telangana. Choudhary was engaged in maintenance work on a U-736 Kiran Aircraft when the seat unexpectedly ejected, causing fatal injuries. The accident underscores the critical need for stringent safety protocols in military and training environments.
These incidents, occurring within India’s security and defense training establishments, raise concerns about the maintenance of discipline and the implementation of comprehensive safety measures to protect trainees and personnel.