Kachhi, Law enforcement officials conducted a raid on the residence of a wanted suspect, Karim Bakhsh alias Wadu Qum Mazarizai Jatoi Sakna Sunni, as part of an ongoing criminal investigation. The raid was conducted under the supervision of Assistant Commissioner Sunny Fateh Khan, in collaboration with SHO Khatan Muhammad Yasin Chhalgari and QRF in-charge Saeed Ahmad Abaru, along with Commandos Levies. Despite the operation, the suspect was not found at his residence during the raid.
According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the raid was conducted following case number 396-147-148-149 AD, and further information is being gathered to locate the suspect. The Assistant Commissioner stated that the authorities are committed to upholding the supremacy of the law and will continue conducting raids until the suspect is apprehended.
Assistant Commissioner Sunny Fateh Khan emphasized that no one is above the law and that strict measures will be taken against those who break it. He assured the public that the authorities are committed to ensuring law and order and that anyone challenging the writ of law will face severe consequences. He noted that maintaining the supremacy of the law is essential for a functioning society, and all efforts are being made to ensure public safety.
The Assistant Commissioner indicated that strict orders have been given to maintain law and order, with a focus on taking measures that serve the public’s interest. The authorities will not hesitate to use stringent actions to enforce the law and ensure that no one is beyond its reach.