New Delhi, From the confines of Tihar jail, Nayeem Ahmed Khan, a prominent figure in the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, has voiced grave concerns over what he terms the political injustices endured by the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
According to Kashmir Media Service, Khan’s message from detention underscores the severe impact of laws like the Public Safety Act (PSA) and the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) on the fundamental rights and freedoms of Kashmiri individuals. He criticized the Indian government’s reliance on such legislation post-August 5, 2019, asserting that these measures have exacerbated the climate of fear and repression in IIOJK.
Khan particularly condemned the utilization of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) by the current Indian administration, which he argues has virtually eliminated any form of legitimate political dissent or criticism in the region. He described the resultant environment as one in which the expression of any opposition to Indian rule or policies is met with harsh penalties, including indefinite imprisonment.
The detained leader portrayed IIOJK as a vast open prison where democratic rights and freedoms are systematically denied, and where voices critical of the government’s actions or policies face severe repercussions. He pointed to the broader pattern of silencing dissent through legal and extralegal means, affecting politicians, activists, journalists, and civilians alike.
In his communication, Khan called upon the international community, including key global governments and human rights entities, to reevaluate their stance toward the Kashmir issue and to recognize the alleged violations committed by India in the region. He urged the United Nations and various human rights organizations to intervene more decisively in addressing the Kashmir dispute and advocating for the rights and aspirations of its people.