Karachi, In a significant move to ensure stability and order during the upcoming election period, the Inspector General of Sindh, Rifat Mukhtar Raja, has announced a formal ban on the appointments and transfers of police officers and personnel within the Sindh Police force. This decision, aligning with the directives of the Election Commission of Pakistan, aims to maintain a consistent and focused law enforcement presence throughout the election process.
According to Directorate General Information and PRs – Sindh, the ban extends to all levels of the police force in the region. The directive specifies that no officer or employee shall be granted leave during the election period, with the exception of maternity or medical leave, which must be recommended by a certified medical officer. This measure is part of a broader strategy by the Sindh government to ensure a robust and uninterrupted law enforcement presence, crucial for overseeing a fair and orderly election.
The notification further outlines that all police officers and personnel are mandated to remain at their designated duty points or stations. This requirement is seen as a key factor in maintaining law and order during the elections. The IG’s directive underscores the importance of a stable police force during times of heightened public activity and scrutiny, such as general elections.
As the region prepares for the upcoming elections, these measures reflect a concerted effort by the Sindh Police and government authorities to prioritize security and public safety. The ban on appointments and transfers is a proactive step towards minimizing disruptions and maintaining a focused law enforcement approach during this critical period.