Jammu, In a disturbing incident in Rajouri district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, two young girls suffered injuries due to an explosion while returning from school.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the two girls, Tasveer Kouser, aged 10, and Saima Kouser, aged 15, encountered a low-intensity explosion in the Doongi-Brahmana area of the district. Initially thought to be burn injuries from firecrackers, the nature of their injuries, particularly to their fingers, later indicated they were caused by an explosion of greater intensity. This incident prompted Indian troops to conduct a cordon and search operation in the area, during which they discovered over two dozen detonators. The operation is ongoing, and the origin and purpose of the detonators remain under investigation.
In a separate event in the Jamalata area of Srinagar, one individual named Bashir Ahmad died in a fire, adding to the series of unfortunate events in the region.