Quetta Education Officials Address Teacher Absences and School Occupations

Quetta: In a recent review meeting of the District Education Group, significant issues such as teacher absences and the occupation of school buildings were addressed. The meeting, which was chaired by the Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) Muhammad Waqar Kakar, saw the participation of key educational and financial officers from the district.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the meeting featured a comprehensive review of activities and issues for the month of August. Among the critical points discussed was the report from the Real Time School Monitoring (RTCM) team, which revealed that 257 teachers were absent during their visits to various schools across Quetta. Consequently, salaries for 37 of these teachers were withheld as a punitive measure.

Further issues highlighted during the meeting included the presentation by the UNICEF officer regarding ongoing development works in the district’s educational infrastructure. Updates were provided on construction and improvement projects at 10 high schools and 13 primary schools.

The meeting also addressed the problem of school buildings being occupied along Sariab Road and in Kuchlak. The Additional Deputy Commissioner expressed his concerns over this issue and issued directives to the Assistant Commissioners to investigate and report back at the next meeting.

Additionally, there was a focus on the financial aspects of school management, with a detailed report on the cluster budget of schools being presented. The officials stressed the importance of ensuring teacher attendance and accelerating measures against those who remain absent without authorization.

These steps are part of ongoing efforts to improve educational administration and accountability in Quetta, as local authorities work to ensure better facilities and management for the district’s schools.