Lahore, Continuing its relentless crackdown on proclaimed offenders, the Punjab Police, under the guidance of Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar, successfully extradited a dangerous fugitive from Kuwait. This operation is part of an ongoing campaign to apprehend absconding criminals abroad.
According to Punjab Police, the fugitive, Ijaz Ahmed, had fled to Kuwait after committing a murder in Aimanabad, Gujranwala, in February this year. Following his escape, Punjab Police issued a red notice through Interpol, resulting in his arrest in Kuwait four months ago. After fulfilling all legal procedures, the Punjab Police’s Special Operation Cell team has now returned to Pakistan with the accused. This year, the total number of proclaimed offenders apprehended from foreign countries by Punjab Police has reached 145, with arrests made in various regions including America, Great Britain, Europe, Africa, Saudi Arabia, and other Gulf and Arab countries.
IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar commended the Special Operation Cell team for their efforts in tracing and extraditing the A-category fugitive. He directed that the legal process against the accused be expedited to ensure timely justice. Dr. Anwar also emphasized the need for intensified efforts to capture remaining dangerous fugitives involved in serious crimes, calling for effective coordination with the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Interpol, and other relevant agencies.