Lahore, The Punjab Police, led by Inspector General Police Punjab, Dr. Usman Anwar, marked a significant milestone by promoting 61 officers from Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) to the rank of Sub-Inspector in Lahore Police. This event is a part of a broader initiative to recognize the merit and dedication of police personnel across the province.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar emphasized that departmental promotions based on merit are a fundamental right of every officer and official. He noted that in recent times, 660 officers and personnel of various cadres, including 127 ASIs of Lahore Police, have been promoted. The process for promoting an additional 5,000 officers and officials across the province is underway, with an aim to complete a record 20,000 promotions within the year. Dr. Anwar also highlighted that more than 5,000 officials of the police force have been regularized. Furthermore, children of police martyrs and 2,000 officials who died on duty have been recruited into the police force. Plans are in place to commence the recruitment of 10,000 more constables in the police department soon.
The ceremony for pinning the ranks of the newly promoted sub-inspectors was held at the Central Police Office. In this special event, IG Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar personally pinned the ranks on the 61 ASIs from different wings of the Lahore Police. The ceremony was attended by the parents, children, and families of the sub-inspectors, where the promoted officers reaffirmed their commitment to serving and protecting citizens in line with IG Punjab’s vision. The newly promoted officers pledged to transfer the benefits of these promotions to the public by performing their duties with greater diligence and sincerity.
Senior officers, including DIG Operations Lahore Ali Nasir Rizvi, AIG Admin Sahibzada Bilal Umar, SSP Admin Lahore Atif Nazir, AIG Discipline Ahsan Saifullah, and AIG Welfare Naveed Ajmal, were present at the ceremony.