Gujranwala, The Punjab Police Inspector General, Dr. Usman Anwar, has taken decisive action following the tragic shooting deaths of two brothers, Tajumal and Ghulam Ghous, in Nowshehra Virkaan, Gujranwala, directing the formation of a special team to apprehend the perpetrators promptly. The directive underscores the urgency of addressing the incident, which has been attributed to longstanding enmity.
According to Punjab Police, Dr. Usman Anwar has demanded a comprehensive report from the Regional Police Officer (RPO) of Gujranwala on the incident while instructing the City Police Officer (CPO) of Gujranwala to expedite the formation of a specialized unit dedicated to capturing those responsible for the killings. Dr. Anwar’s instructions emphasize the swift arrest and prosecution of the accused to ensure justice is served without delay.
The incident, resulting from an old vendetta, has prompted the Inspector General to advocate for the close involvement of supervisory officers with the bereaved family, guaranteeing that justice for the victims is prioritized. This move is part of a broader effort by the Punjab Police to address violent crimes with significant urgency and sensitivity, particularly those arising from personal conflicts.
The directive from the top police official highlights the seriousness with which the Punjab Police is approaching the case, reflecting an overarching commitment to law enforcement and the provision of justice for victims of violent crimes. The focus on rapid action and close communication with the victims’ family members demonstrates a comprehensive approach to handling such distressing incidents, ensuring that the legal process is both swift and thorough.