Pakistan to Continue Support for Indian-Occupied Kashmir, Asserts Ch Anwar Ul Haq

Islamabad: Ch Anwar Ul Haq, Parliamentary Secretary for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan, affirmed Pakistan’s unwavering support for the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) until the final resolution of the dispute aligns with United Nations Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri populace.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Ch Anwar Ul Haq, in a media interview, lamented the global indifference towards the human rights abuses and unilateral decisions taken by India, including the revocation of Kashmir’s special status on August 05, 2019. He criticized the non-implementation of UN resolutions, which he believes emboldens India’s harsh policies.

He elaborated on the severe restrictions faced by Kashmiris and the continuous human rights violations that fail to deter their rightful struggle. Ch Anwar Ul Haq expressed disappointment over the unresolved status of the Kashmir dispute despite longstanding UNSC resolutions and the passage of many years.

He accused India of maintaining a climate of fear in Kashmir to silence and penalize the Kashmiris’ demands for self-determination, while also facilitating settler colonization by revoking the region’s special status.

Ch Anwar Ul Haq highlighted the prolonged suffering of the Kashmiri people since October 27, 1947, under oppressive forces, and mentioned that India currently stations approximately one million troops in the region, making it the world’s most militarized zone.

He called on the international community and media to spotlight the plight of these defenseless individuals and to hold India accountable for its continued brutalities and human rights violations in IIOJK.

Ch Anwar Ul Haq reiterated Pakistan’s commitment to supporting and standing in solidarity with the Kashmiri people since the onset of Indian occupation in 1947.