Jammu, In a troubling incident in the Rajouri district of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, Muslims en route to Eid prayers were assaulted by individuals identified as aligned with Hindutva BJP/RSS groups. The attack has ignited condemnation and calls for justice.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the violence was documented in a video tweeted by Mehbooba Mufti, President of the Peoples Democratic Party, showing injured members of the Gujjar and Bakerwal communities. Mufti’s tweet criticized the attackers for targeting individuals based solely on their Muslim identity, highlighting the indifference of the aggressors to the victims’ specific ethnic or regional backgrounds.
The incident has led to demands for prompt legal action, with Mufti urging police authorities to ensure accountability and prevent future occurrences of such violence. The attack on Muslims in Rajouri has raised serious concerns about communal harmony and the safety of minority communities in the region.