New Delhi, In a controversial move ahead of India’s general elections, the Modi government has changed the logo of the state-run television channel Doordarshan from red to saffron, signaling a further step towards making India a Hindutva state. This decision has drawn significant criticism and sparked a heated debate about the government’s motives.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Doordarshan’s English news channel, DD News, recently shared a new promotional video on the social media platform X, introducing the new saffron-colored logo. This change has triggered widespread condemnation online, with many suggesting that the saffron color—a significant symbol in Hinduism—aligns with the government’s Hindutva agenda.
Johar Sarkar, former head of Prasar Bharti (the organization overseeing Doordarshan and All India Radio) and current Trinamool Congress leader, criticized the logo change as a worrying sign of saffronization. He stated on X that painting Doordarshan’s historic flagship logo in saffron is concerning, especially as the country prepares for the Lok Sabha elections.
Sarkar pointed out that this shift could be seen as a violation of the election code of conduct and raised concerns about the impartiality of the Election Commission. He argued that such moves undermine the principle of a level playing field in elections, indicating a lack of fairness.
The decision to alter Doordarshan’s logo to saffron has sparked debate over the Modi government’s intentions and its impact on India’s secular identity. As the general elections approach, this move has added to the broader discourse on India’s direction under the current administration.