Kashmir Movement Gains Recognition as Legitimate Self-Determination Effort

Islamabad: The struggle of the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) for self-determination has been increasingly acknowledged by the international community as a legitimate fight in line with United Nations principles. This recognition highlights the sustained efforts of Kashmiris to assert their right to decide their future freely.

According to Kashmir Media Service, political experts and international observers have noted a growing acceptance of the Kashmir Freedom Movement’s legitimacy. They cite numerous United Nations Security Council resolutions that support the Kashmiri people’s right to resist oppression and seek justice under international law.

The experts have underscored that the ongoing resistance in IIOJK against Indian occupation vividly reflects the local populace’s determination. They argue that the struggle is bound to continue until the Kashmiris’ demands for UN-backed resolutions are fully realized. Amid these developments, there have been increasing concerns about India’s efforts to portray the Kashmiri freedom struggle as terrorism. Critics have denounced such labels as misleading and unfair, pressing the Indian government to differentiate between terrorism and the legitimate quest for freedom.

Despite facing severe repression, the resolve of the Kashmiri people to achieve their right to self-determination remains strong, with calls for a plebiscite under UN supervision continuing to gain traction. The international community’s support is seen as crucial for the success of their legitimate aspirations.