New Delhi, The Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) has approached the Supreme Court with a plea to suspend the enforcement of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) rules recently outlined by the Indian Home Ministry, citing constitutional concerns.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the IUML’s application argues that the newly notified Citizenship Amendment Rules, 2024, exhibit clear bias by favoring certain groups based on religious identity, thereby violating the equality and non-discrimination clauses of the Indian Constitution (Articles 14 and 15). The party contends that these rules introduce unjust distinctions and could potentially disenfranchise numerous individuals should the CAA be later invalidated by the judiciary.
Highlighting the ongoing judicial review process, with around 250 petitions against the CAA still under the Supreme Court’s consideration, the IUML underscored the risk of irreparable consequences if the Act’s implementation proceeds unchecked. The application emphasizes the prudence of awaiting a definitive verdict on the legality of the CAA to avoid the complexities of reversing citizenship statuses conferred under a potentially unconstitutional law.
The IUML’s legal move underscores the contentious nature of the CAA, which aims to fast-track citizenship for non-Muslim immigrants from select neighboring countries, a policy critics argue undermines India’s secular foundations.