New Delhi, The Indian government has disclosed that between 2018 and 2022, a total of 701 sedition cases and 5,023 cases under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) were registered, highlighting the extent of legal actions taken against political opponents and dissenters.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Nityanand Rai, the Indian Union Minister of State for Home, provided these figures in a written response to the Lok Sabha, indicating the government’s use of these laws over the past four years. The data reveals that during this period, 788 individuals were arrested in connection with sedition and other offences against the state, with charge sheets filed against 500 of those detained. Additionally, 131 individuals were acquitted of these charges.
The minister further elaborated on the UAPA cases, stating that 8,947 people were arrested under this stringent legislation, with charge sheets filed against 6,503 individuals. Out of those implicated, 550 were acquitted.
The substantial number of cases filed under both the sedition laws and the UAPA, along with the significant number of arrests and charge sheets issued, underscore the ongoing debate over the use of these laws in India, particularly concerning their impact on civil liberties and the freedom of speech.