India under fascist Modi spoiler of peace in South Asia 

Islamabad, November 12, 2022 (PPI-OT):India under fascist Narendra Modi is a spoiler of peace in South Asia and threats to the regional peace have intensified manifold since he came to power in India. An analysis carried out by Kashmir Media Service said that hegemonic designs of RSS-backed Bharatiya Janata Party government in India posed serious threat to regional peace and stability. It said India has been impeding the way for decades towards a peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

The analysis said peace will continue to elude South Asia till the lingering Kashmir dispute is resolved as per the Kashmiris’ aspirations. “Modi regime’s 5 August 2019 illegal actions sufficiently prove that New Delhi is least concerned about regional peace. India’s continued brutal occupation of Jammu and Kashmir and its war-mongering policies are affecting south Asian peace and stability,” it added.

The analysis pointed out that peace of South Asia remains at peril due to India’s belligerence against its neighbours. It said Pakistan has time and again informed the world about India’s destabilizing activities in South Asia, adding that the international community must take notice of Indian role as a spoiler of peace in the region.

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