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Educational Crisis at Government Degree College Tulail: Staff Shortages and Faculty Absences Hinder Learning

Srinagar, Students at the Government Degree College in Tulail, located in the remote Gurez Valley of Bandipora district in north Kashmir, are facing significant educational setbacks due to persistent staff shortages and faculty absenteeism.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the college, which opened in 2019, is struggling to fulfill its educational mission. Students from Tulail Tehsil have reported that despite having a permanent English lecturer and other faculty members on contract, classes remain unattended by teachers. This situation is particularly disheartening for students from marginalized communities who view the college as a crucial opportunity for advancement.

The institution attracts students from various distant villages, with some traveling up to 25 kilometers or spending considerable amounts on transportation daily, only to find that no classes are held. The lack of reliable transport exacerbates the difficulty of accessing education, forcing some students to walk long distances.

Locals have expressed frustration, noting that while non-teaching staff manage the college’s administrative duties, they often have to double as supervisors and invigilators during examinations. The students are particularly concerned as the academic syllabus remains largely untaught, and with examinations approaching, there is no sign of improvement in faculty attendance or the introduction of alternative learning methods like online classes.

Farooq Ahmad, the acting principal of the college, acknowledged the challenges, citing a severe faculty shortage with only one permanent lecturer and several vacancies. He also highlighted issues such as remoteness, adverse weather conditions, and inadequate accommodation for staff, which contribute to the problem. Some contractual faculty members have even abandoned their posts.

Ahmad is hopeful that the construction of residential quarters will alleviate some issues by the year’s end and has promised immediate action to ensure that staff are available to complete the syllabus within the next few days, aiming to alleviate the students’ ongoing hardships.