New Delhi, A viral video purportedly showing Indian Home Minister Amit Shah discussing the abolition of reservation quotas for Scheduled Castes (SCs), Scheduled Tribes (STs), and Other Backward Classes (OBCs) has led to the registration of an FIR by the Delhi Police.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the Delhi Police acted following claims by the BJP that the video was doctored by the Congress media team. The video, which has been widely shared across social media platforms, allegedly shows Shah advocating for the removal of these quotas, leading to significant public uproar and accusations of misinformation.
The controversy has escalated to the point where the Indian Home Ministry has lodged a complaint demanding legal action against those who manipulated the video. BJP spokesperson Amit Malviya contended that the video was edited to falsely present Shah’s views on the reservation system, particularly concerning Muslims in Telangana.