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Commissioner Surveys Ziarat District Hospital, Commits to Health Sector Improvements

Ziarat, In a surprise inspection, Commissioner Sabi Deviran Bashir Ahmed Bangalzai visited the District Headquarters Hospital in Ziarat to evaluate its operations and staff performance. The visit included checks on employee attendance, inspections of various departments, and interactions with both staff and patients to assess the facility’s current state and needs.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, during his visit, Commissioner Bangalzai expressed satisfaction with the hospital’s performance, as briefed by MS Hospital Dr. Irfan Uddin. Deputy Commissioner Liaqat Ali Kakar accompanied him, underscoring the regional government’s focus on enhancing healthcare services.

Commissioner Bangalzai stressed the importance of honesty and timeliness in patient care, asserting that no compromises would be made in the health sector. He outlined plans for modernizing the hospital and taking proactive steps towards establishing a healthier society, highlighting the government’s commitment to improving medical facilities and ensuring that patients face no difficulties in accessing care.