Islamabad, August 17, 2022 (PPI-OT):House Business Advisory Committee (HBAC) of the Senate met here at the Parliament House on Wednesday. The Committee, presided over by Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani, discussed in detail legislative business to be transacted during the 320th Session of the Senate.
Besides legislative business, the session would take up discussion on current situation of important national and international issues. The HBAC decided that the current session would continue till Friday.
The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman Senate Senator Mirza Muhammad Afridi, Leader of the House Senator Azam Nazeer Tarar, Leader of Opposition Dr. Shehzad Waseem, Senator Muhammad Azam Khan Swati, Senator Molana Abdul Ghafoor Haideri, Senator Muhammad Tahir Bizenjo, Senator Mushtaq Ahmad, Senator Hidayatullah Khan and Secretary Senate Mohammad Qasim Samad Khan.
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