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Caretaker Health Minister vows to eradicate polio from country

Islamabad, September 17, 2023 (PPI-OT): Caretaker Health Minister Dr. Nadeem Jan has reiterated the government’s resolve to eradicate polio from the country. He expressed these views during a meeting with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Secretary Nadeem Aslam in Islamabad, to discuss pressing concerns on endemic wild poliovirus transmission in Southern districts of the province.

The Health Minister said Southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is the center of poliovirus; therefore, a comprehensive strategy is being implemented there to prevent transmission of poliovirus.

He said a coordinated and targeted approach has been urgently formulated with top experts stationed in Bannu to achieve the target of wild poliovirus interruption by December this year.

Dr. Nadeem Jan termed frontline workers as true champions of polio eradication programme. He said their unwavering commitment to safeguarding children from the disease does not go unnoticed.

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Government of Pakistan

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