Karachi, In a significant move to enhance the educational landscape in Sindh, Caretaker Chief Minister Justice (R) Maqbool Baqar distributed the last tranche of textbooks to school children in a ceremony at Landhi. The event, organized by the Education Minister Ms. Rana Hussain, took place at the Sindh Textbook Board’s warehouse in Gaddafi Town Ground, Landhi Industrial Area, and was attended by education department officials, parents, and Chairman STBB Agha Sohail.
According to Sindh Chief Minister House, the distribution of these textbooks is a crucial step towards completing the academic curriculum that was delayed due to their unavailability. He expressed his relief at the distribution and urged teachers to work diligently to cover the lost ground. Justice Baqar emphasized the importance of improving the education system in Pakistan, citing it as a key factor in closing the development gap with other nations. He called upon teachers, academicians, parents, and civil society to play their roles in shaping the future of the country’s children.
During the event, Education Minister Rana Hussain reflected on her efforts to ensure the printing and distribution of the remaining textbooks. She proposed to the Chief Minister to start the academic session in April instead of August, reasoning that an April start would allow students to utilize the summer vacation for homework and reading. Minister Hussain also suggested a system for recollecting textbooks at the end of the academic session. This initiative, she noted, would ensure that books remain government property and could be reused, reducing the need for additional printing.
The Chief Minister concluded the program by distributing free textbooks to students and inaugurating the transportation of these textbooks to districts where they were needed. This initiative marks a significant effort by the Sindh government to address challenges in the education sector and improve access to learning materials for students.