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APHC-AJK Leader Rehmani Criticizes Banning of Juma Prayers in Al-Aqsa and Srinagar Jamia Masjid

Karachi: Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, a senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK) chapter, has strongly denounced the actions of Israeli authorities in banning Juma prayers at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This restriction forced worshippers to pray outside the mosque compound and coincided with the aggressive actions in Gaza and Al-Quds, including house demolitions and the suppression of protestors.

According to the Kashmir Media Service, Rehmani, in a statement issued from Islamabad, also expressed grave concern over the Indian authorities’ decision to seal the Srinagar Jamia Masjid for the sixth consecutive Friday. He emphasized the need for the international community to intervene and address these restrictions on Muslims’ rights to offer prayers in the mosque.

In addition, Rehmani condemned the continued house arrest of Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, a senior APHC leader, preventing him from attending Juma prayers. He accused India of sealing the Jamia Masjid as a gesture of solidarity with Israel’s policies in Palestine.

Rehmani called on the global community to urgently address these issues, stressing the importance of protecting the rights and interests of indigenous populations in both Kashmir and Palestine against what he termed as racist and neo-settler measures.