Karachi, In a significant move aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Sindh Police, Inspector General (IG) Sindh Rafat Mukhtar Raja announced the introduction of Inspector Legal and Investigation roles within the force. This announcement was made during the Police Executive Board meeting at the Central Police Office in Karachi, which saw the participation of senior police officials from across the province, including Additional IGs, zonal IGs, and DIGs from various departments.
According to Sindh Police, the meeting focused on several key issues, including career planning for investigating officers and ex-military police personnel. IG Sindh Rafat Mukhtarraja took the opportunity to form a five-member committee tasked with compiling recommendations on recruitment, promotion, and the appointment and transfer of the newly recruited inspectors. This committee comprises three senior DIGs, two SSPs, and one SP, reflecting a broad spectrum of experience and expertise within the police hierarchy.
IG Sindh emphasized that the integration of Inspector Legal and Investigation into the Sindh Police is expected to bring about an “unusual and positive change” in the investigation department. These inspectors will be responsible for handling both investigation and legal matters in every district, aiming to expedite the resolution of pending cases in courts. Furthermore, the IG highlighted the importance of training these officers to meet modern investigation requirements and instructed DIGs to personally monitor the investigation departments within their zones.
The meeting also addressed the utilization of 2000 retired military police personnel recruited in 2011, with recommendations made for their appointments and transfers. The introduction of these new roles and the strategic planning discussed during the meeting signify a proactive approach to reforming the Sindh Police, with a focus on improving legal and investigative processes across the province.