Srinagar, July 29, 2023 (PPI-OT):The Delhi-controlled Special Investigation Agency (SIA) has filed a chargesheet in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir against two Jamaat-e-Islami Jammu and Kashmir (JI) members, one among them dead, in a fake case registered under the black law, Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). The SIA filed the chargesheet before the Special UAPA (TADA and POTA) Court, Srinagar, against the JI members Abdul Salam Dagga and deceased Muhammad Shafi Dar, in a case filed at Batmaloo Police Station in Srinagar. The case was registered on 01 March in 2019 and later transferred to the SIA in December 2021.
The dreaded probe agency has also identified 188 properties, which were either in possession or registered in the name of JI in the occupied territory. It said that of these 188 identified properties, 58 properties spread across Kashmir, had been notified under Section 8 of the UAPA) by the District Magistrates. Pertinently, the Indian government and its regime in IIOJK are violently using brute force and draconian laws against the Kashmiri people and organizations who raise their voice against the Indian illegal occupation over Jammu and Kashmir.
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