Pakistan and China Forge Closer Ties with New Industrial Cooperation Agreement

Islamabad, In a significant move to bolster economic ties, Pakistan and China have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at enhancing industrial cooperation. The agreement focuses on increasing Chinese investments in Pakistan and facilitating the relocation of Chinese industries to special economic zones within Pakistan.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the Economic Minister stationed at Pakistan’s embassy in Beijing, Aslam Chaudhary, detailed the incentives being offered by the Pakistani government during the signing ceremony. He highlighted the strategic establishment of special economic zones across Pakistan, designed specifically for Chinese enterprises. These zones will allow Chinese companies to export products globally while benefiting from preferential trade agreements that Pakistan has secured with various countries.

Chaudhary emphasized that this initiative is part of the second phase of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which now focuses on industrialization. The government is keen to expand opportunities in various sectors to attract foreign investment, particularly from China, enhancing both nations’ economic profiles on the international stage.