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Lahore Cabinet Approves New Measures Against Corruption in Rock Salt Leasing

Lahore, In a significant development, the provincial cabinet has decided to initiate action with the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) against individuals involved in corruption related to the rock salt leases. This decision was part of a broader meeting that also tackled policies regarding Punjab’s valuable salt resources.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Punjab, the meeting led by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif resolved to form a committee to deliberate on the rock salt policy updates for 2022 and 2023. The Chief Minister emphasized the critical nature of preserving the province’s salt resources, which are valued at 13 billion dollars, asserting that not a single particle should be wasted.

The cabinet also moved to extend contracts for 23 employees within the policy and strategic planning unit of the primary and secondary health care department and lifted the recruitment ban on vacant positions. The session underscored the importance of integrity and principled governance, with calls for the utilization of constitutional powers without apology.