Kashmiri Leader Praises Pakistani Prime Minister’s UNGA Speech on Kashmir Resolution

Mirpur: Engr. Afzal Ziai, Chief of the Kashmir Freedom Movement (KFM), has commended Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif for his address at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), where he emphasized the need for an early resolution to the Kashmir dispute.

According to Kashmir Media Service, speaking to media in Mirpur, Ziai expressed appreciation for the Prime Minister’s efforts to bring global attention to Kashmir, highlighting the urgency of resolving the issue in accordance with United Nations resolutions. These resolutions endorse the right of the Kashmiri people to self-determination through a free and fair plebiscite.

Ziai emphasized the steadfast commitment of the people of Jammu and Kashmir to their freedom and dignity, stressing the importance of international acknowledgment and action. He criticized the ongoing human rights violations and state terrorism by Indian forces in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), calling for the international community to hold India accountable.

“The global powers must not shirk their moral obligations to support oppressed peoples seeking legitimate freedom,” Ziai asserted, urging tangible actions that reflect the severity of the Kashmiris’ struggle for self-determination. He underscored that the Kashmir issue is not just a bilateral matter between India and Pakistan but a global concern involving justice, freedom, and human dignity.

Ziai concluded by urging the international community to act decisively, as the people of Jammu and Kashmir can no longer delay their quest for justice and self-determination. He stressed that support for Kashmir should be rooted not in favoritism but in adherence to international law and the spirit of UN resolutions.