Karachi, In a significant crackdown against criminal activities, the Islamabad Capital Police arrested 3,484 accused, including members of 45 criminal gangs, in the past month. This operation, part of a citywide effort to curb crime, led to the recovery of stolen vehicles, drugs, liquor, and weapons worth 164.4 million rupees.
According to Islamabad Capital Police, the operation was conducted following the special directions of Islamabad Capital City Police Officer (ICCPO) Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan. The police teams successfully apprehended 114 members of criminal gangs and 334 absconders, intensifying the crackdown on criminal elements to eliminate crime in the city.
The police also recovered 45 stolen vehicles and 82 stolen motorbikes during the operation. In the fight against drug trafficking, 232 accused were arrested, and significant quantities of hashish, heroin, Ice, and bottles of wine were seized. Additionally, the crackdown led to the arrest of 160 individuals possessing illegal weapons, resulting in the confiscation of 12 Kalashnikovs/rifles and 132 pistols with ammunition.
The operation extended to capturing 334 absconders and proclaimed offenders involved in heinous crimes. In a move to address the issue of professional begging, the police arrested 788 professional beggars.
ICCPO Dr. Akbar Nasir Khan has directed police officials to further intensify the crackdown against criminal elements, reiterating that the safety and security of citizens are the foremost priority. He emphasized that no laxity would be tolerated in ensuring public safety and security.