Islamabad, In a recent televised talk show appearance, Caretaker Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar highlighted the critical need for the Pakistani government to judiciously utilize its available resources while prioritizing the development of Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, and other underdeveloped areas. The Prime Minister’s comments underscore the importance of addressing both political and economic grievances across the federation with honesty and a focused approach towards equitable development.
According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Kakar’s statements come at a time when the country faces various challenges, including those related to security and economic stability. In response to a question about the terrorist incidents in Balochistan, the Prime Minister pointed out the role of non-state actors in spreading violence within society. He also mentioned their misuse of human rights platforms to further their objectives, highlighting the complex nature of security challenges in the region.
Furthermore, Kakar revealed ongoing negotiations with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for a six billion dollar agreement, indicating the government’s efforts to enhance its financial resources amid pressing economic needs. This negotiation is part of a broader strategy to stabilize Pakistan’s economy and ensure sustainable development across its territories.
The Caretaker Prime Minister’s emphasis on judicious resource utilization and the need for targeted development efforts in historically marginalized areas reflect a strategic approach to governance. By focusing on these priorities, the government aims to create a more balanced and inclusive development model that addresses long-standing disparities and fosters a stable, prosperous future for all regions of Pakistan.