New Delhi, The Armed Forces Tribunal has suspended the sentence awarded to convicted officer Captain Bhoopendra Singh in the Shopian fake encounter and granted him bail.
According to Kashmir Media Service, Indian troops martyred three Kashmiri youth during a cordon and search operation in Amshipora, Shopian district, on July 18, 2020.
The Army disciplinary proceedings had found the officer Captain Bhoopendera Singh guilty and he was awarded life imprisonment.
The officer had approached the Principal Bench of the Armed Forces Tribunal in New Delhi through his lawyer S S Pandey against the conviction claiming “illegality in proceedings” and other discrepancies in the disciplinary proceedings against him.
“We allow the application for suspension of sentence for life imprisonment and direct that the applicant shall be released on bail,” the Principal Bench headed by Justice Rajendra Menon including administrative member Lt Gen CP Mohanty said.