Zimbabwean Ambassador Discusses Solid Waste Management and Safari Park Project at CDA Headquarters

Islamabad: The Ambassador of Zimbabwe, H.E. Titus M.J Abu Bastu, recently visited the CDA Headquarters in Islamabad, where he met with CDA Chairman Muhammad Ali Randhawa. The two officials discussed mutual interests, including solid waste management initiatives and the development of a new Safari Park aimed at boosting tourism in the city.

According to Capital Development Authority, the meeting included discussions on the beautification and uplift of Islamabad, with the Ambassador praising Chairman Randhawa’s efforts. The Ambassador expressed particular interest in the solid waste management initiative and discussed the potential involvement of high-reputation companies in this sector.

Furthermore, the development of the Safari Park was highlighted as a significant venture that would enhance tourism. The park is expected to house over 5,000 animals, with more than 2,000 to be brought in during the first phase. The CDA Chairman encouraged the Zimbabwean Embassy to assist in procuring animals, particularly the ‘Big 5’, from Zimbabwe for the park.

Additionally, the Ambassador proposed relocating the Zimbabwean embassy to the Diplomatic Enclave in Islamabad and assured that this relocation would be addressed soon through the Foreign Office.