Ziarat Seminar Emphasizes Nutritional and Health Benefits of Breastfeeding

Ziarat: A seminar followed by an awareness walk, focusing on the critical benefits of breastfeeding, was organized in Ziarat district under the guidance of coordinator Ali Shan and hosted by the Nutrition Directorate of the Balochistan Health Department.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the event highlighted the unique nutritional profile of mother’s milk, which is rich in minerals, proteins, vitamins, and fatty acids, essential for a child’s growth and immune system development. Speakers at the seminar stressed that mother’s milk adapts to the changing needs of growing babies, providing tailored nourishment that helps prevent various illnesses and supports overall health.

The session also pointed out significant benefits for mothers, noting that breastfeeding helps protect both mother and child from numerous diseases and contributes to the health of both. The comprehensive discussion covered how breastfeeding ensures that infants receive antibodies from their mothers, enhancing their ability to fight infections. Following the educational talks, participants took part in an awareness walk to spread the message about the importance of breastfeeding in the community.