Ziarat Observes Kashmir Exploitation Day with Significant Rally

Ziarat: The district of Ziarat joined the rest of the province in commemorating Kashmir Exploitation Day on August 5, with a major rally led by Deputy Commissioner Liaquat Ali Kakar to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people and to denounce Indian policies in the region.

According to Directorate General Public Relation – Govt of Balochistan, the rally, which included Assistant Commissioner Abdul Razaq, Sardar Qasim Khan Sarangzai, Haji Raz Mohammad Damar, district officers, and tribal elders, started and concluded at the DC office, winding through the district’s major highways. Participants displayed banners with slogans supporting Kashmiri autonomy and criticizing India’s governance of the territory.

Deputy Commissioner Kakar, in his address, vehemently stated that Kashmir remains an integral part of Pakistan’s identity and could never be assimilated into India. He criticized India’s militarization of Kashmir and its failure to win the trust of the Kashmiri people, asserting that Kashmiris’ allegiance lies with Pakistan. Kakar marked August 5 as a day of historical infamy due to India’s revocation of Kashmir’s special status, calling on the Pakistani nation to vocally oppose India’s actions and to continue supporting Kashmir’s fight for freedom.