Jammu, A severe windstorm struck Jammu city and its surrounding areas on Monday, causing widespread damage to infrastructure, including the collapse of a cell-phone tower and damage to several parked cars. The storm, which brought down numerous electricity poles and trees, occurred amidst a thunderstorm that provided some respite from the recent heatwave.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the windstorm, which started around 5 pm and lasted for approximately two hours, was powerful enough to uproot significant public and private infrastructure. A cell-phone tower installed on the rooftop of a building in Bawe Wali Gali, near the Congress office and just 200 meters from Shaheedi Chowk, collapsed, causing substantial damage to adjacent buildings. Fortunately, there were no human casualties reported in this particular incident.
However, the storm was not without its tragedies. An unidentified individual, believed to be a worker from the labor class, died due to a fall in the Gangyal area during the storm. Another person sustained critical injuries after falling from the rooftop of his house in the Belicharana area. Local authorities reported that the deceased’s body was transported to GMC hospital for further procedures.
The intensity of the windstorm led to numerous trees and electricity poles being uprooted; branches fell onto roads and lanes, many walls collapsed, and electric cables were severed at various locations. This disruption caused significant damage to the power infrastructure, impacting countless residents and causing disruptions throughout the city.
The local community and authorities are now assessing the full extent of the damage and beginning recovery efforts to restore normalcy in the affected areas.