WAPDA Chairman Evaluates Progress at Diamer Bhasha Dam Project

Islamabad: Sajjad Ghani, the Chairman of the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA), recently conducted a detailed visit to the Diamer Bhasha Dam Project, assessing the ongoing construction efforts and developments at critical infrastructure points including diversion tunnels and dam facilities.

According to Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, during his visit, Chairman Ghani thoroughly inspected diversion tunnels 1 and 2, the upstream and downstream cofferdams, guide wall, dam pit, and the permanent bridge. He also reviewed operations at the material testing laboratory to ensure quality and compliance with safety standards. Member (Water) of WAPDA was also in attendance.

The WAPDA Chairman received briefings from senior engineers who confirmed that the river diversion system is operating effectively during the high flow season. Ghani urged both consultants and contractors to increase their construction pace to ensure the project meets its scheduled completion dates.

Furthermore, he highlighted significant financial investments in the project, noting that 78.5 billion rupees and 17.35 billion rupees are allocated for development schemes under the confidence-building measures for the Diamer Bhasha Dam and Dasu Hydropower Project, respectively.