Srinagar, The residents of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), including the business community, are grappling with an acute power crisis characterized by extensive load shedding during the harsh winter season. The situation is causing widespread disruption in daily life and taking a significant toll on the local economy.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the region is experiencing power cuts exceeding 10 hours, severely affecting the productivity of various businesses and resulting in substantial financial losses. This power crisis is particularly challenging given the current cold weather conditions, further exacerbating the difficulties faced by the local population.
The power outages are not only affecting economic activities but also posing a critical threat to the health and wellbeing of residents. Particularly concerning is the impact on patients who rely on oxygen support at home, as the prolonged power cuts disrupt essential medical equipment.
Residents have expressed their frustration and disappointment over the failure of the administration to provide consistent power supply. Basharat Ahmad, a resident of Soura, lamented the unfulfilled promises of round-the-clock power supply, despite the installation of smart meters intended to reduce power theft. Ironically, he noted that areas with smart meters are among those experiencing prolonged blackouts.
The Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) has also raised its voice against this crisis. KCCI President, Javid Tenga, criticized the power department’s inconsistent policies, pointing out the irony that the introduction of smart meters has not resulted in improved power supply as anticipated. The KCCI’s concerns highlight the broader economic implications of the power crisis on the region’s business and industrial sectors.
This ongoing power crisis in IIOJK underscores the urgent need for effective and sustainable solutions to ensure a stable power supply, crucial for both the economic stability of the region and the welfare of its residents.