UNICEF Aids Malnourished Children and Afghan Refugees in Pakistan Amid Funding Shortfalls

Islamabad: UNICEF’s efforts in Pakistan are expanding in scope and urgency as it continues to support Afghan refugees and address severe child malnutrition, despite facing significant funding challenges, as per its latest humanitarian situation report.

According to United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, the first half of 2024 has seen concerted efforts to provide essential services to Afghan refugees and malnourished children in Pakistan. The Illegal Foreigners Repatriation Plan, which includes Phase II targeting Afghan Citizen Card holders, has already resulted in the return of 156,580 Afghan refugees by mid-2024. Concurrently, UNICEF has treated 115,354 children for severe acute malnutrition, noting that one in five children in Pakistan currently suffers from this condition.

In addition to health initiatives, UNICEF’s education programs have reached 180,000 children, including those out of school, which totals 25.37 million across the country. Despite these strides, UNICEF’s 2024 Humanitarian Appeal for Children, amounting to $135.6 million, is facing a funding gap of 77 percent, hindering potential expansions and sustainability of ongoing projects.